Putting the fun in functional specs

Being able to build stuff that does things is how I like to describe my work. When the thing does a thing it's time to make it do the thing, but in a nice way.

In a more formal setting one might say things like:

  1. Web Applications

    SPA, MPA, SSR, SSG, API and most likely some DIY

  2. Corporate websites

    Wordpress, react, Jekyll, 11ty or plain ol' html? Consider it done.

  3. Interactive & entertainment

    Quiz apps, training and e-learning, kiosks, games...

  4. Custom development

    UI design, UX development and then some. Let's chat.

Watch those pixels dance.

Wether it's your standard 'boring' corporate website or some crazy, very out here idea, we're interested in having a go at it.

Let's make that browser sing.

Here's some text. Doesn't matter what it says, the button below will take you to the contact page.